Utawarerumono Mask of Deception – Nekone Trailer

Een nieuwe trailer van Utawarerumono Mask of Deception introduceert het personage Nekone. Je kan deze trailer hieronder bekijken.

Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception verschijnt zowel fysiek als digitaal op 23 mei voor Playstation 4. Het vervolg, Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth zal later dit jaar verschijnen.

Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception Key Features
  • An Unforgettable Story – Mask of Deception offers a story-rich visual novel experience (40-50+ hours long) that lets players shape the future of a fully realized world filled with fantastical lore and history! Mask of Deception sets up the story for a thrilling conclusion in Mask of Truth, and we’ll reveal more information about the final game at a later date.
  • An Active SRPG Battle System – Players will need to defend Haku and his friends by engaging in intense SRPG combat with the various hostiles that populate the world. The battle system is a thrilling mix of turn-based tactics and Attack Chain mechanics. Players can remain active during combat by successfully completing timing-based charging rings to execute critical attacks or vital dodges/blocks.
  • Fully Fleshed Out Combat – Unique combat features such as the rewind function, elemental affinities/weaknesses, unique character skills, and more add a layer of depth to fights. It’ll take true tactical acumen to emerge victorious in battle!
  • Breathtaking Art – With a stunning art style and beautifully rendered cutscenes, the game is a feast for the eyes for Japanese visual novel and anime aficionados!
  • Beautiful Songs and a Thrilling Score – The rousing music, recorded and remastered at the legendary Abbey Road Studios and EastWest Studios, is a perfect soundtrack to accompany a great adventure.

Jimmy "Verjim" is een gedreven gamer, met Tekken als zijn all-time favoriet. Aangevoerd door alle beschikbare soorten koffie, speelt hij elke game op zijn pad en zorgt ervoor dat zijn lezers precies weten waar games in uitblinken of net mis lopen. Overdag is hij actief bezig met fotografie, maar wanneer de schaduw valt, zal de pen van deze oprichter en hoofdredacteur genadeloos inkt doen vloeien

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