Man the Guns, de nieuwste uitbreiding voor Hearts of Iron IV, heeft een releasedatum gekregen, zijnde 28 februari. Pre-orders zijn vanaf nu beschikbaar voor 19,99 dollar. Man the Guns brengt nieuwe details en gameplaymogelijkheden met zich mee, zoals een nieuwe politieke tree en regeringen in ballingschap.
- Major Alternate Paths: Revive the Old Confederacy as the United States and provoke a new civil war, or hasten decolonization of the British Empire.
- Ship Design: Research new components and refit older vessels to take advantage of new knowledge. Outfit your submarines with snorkels or improved stealth.
- Admiral Traits and Skills – Tailor and level up your Admirals with new traits and skills.
- Governments in Exile: Welcome a government in exile to your democracy, boosting their legitimacy in return for more manpower and elite troops fighting to free their homeland.
- Other National Focuses: New national focuses for The Netherlands and Mexico.
- Naval Mines: Protect your coasts from invasion or assault with anti-ship mines, or clear a path through enemy mines before you make the big push.
- Shipping route controls – plot new routes for your shipping and navies by marking areas you want to avoid.
- Naval Treaties: Struggle to keep the peace by following internationally agreed upon rules, or creatively defy the world consensus by exceeding your limits.
- Amphibious Landing Vehicles: Add power to your beach landing by researching and producing specialized combat vehicles for your marines.
- New Music: Original music composed specifically for the Man the Guns expansion.