Homefront: the Revolution krijgt twee nieuwe Resistance Mode missies en frame rate verbeteringen met de ‘Performance Patch’

Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios hebben een grote update uitgebracht voor Homefront: The Revolution. De update voegt nieuwe gratis content en belangrijke prestatieverbeteringen toe aan het spel.

Patch Notes:
    • Save Stall Reduction
    • Smoother framerate and improved performance throughout the game via
      • Spawning Optimisations
      • Checkpoint Save Optimisations
      • Lighting and Particle Optimisations
    • Bug fixes and stability improvements including
      • Fix for intermittent issue in which a box could get stuck preventing Medical Supplies Strikpoint completing correctly
      • Fix for enemies not spawning correctly on occasion preventing Old Town Apartment Strikepoint completing correctly
      • Fix for padlocks not being able to be destroyed in certain situations preventing Car Park Chop Shop Strikepoint to be completed
      • Fix for black screen sometimes occurring following Aftermath mission and cinematic cutscene’s
      • Fixed an issue with some players losing equipment when continuing save game from a previous patch
      • Fixed a further issue some players experience with the SAM launcher becoming blocked in End Game
    • New Resistance Mode Features
      • Added ‘Guerrilla Score’ system to indicate a player’s overall experience in the game. Players can earn Guerrilla score by ranking up characters, completing missions on increasing difficulties, earning new citations and increasing a characters ‘Renown’.
      • Added ‘Renown’ system to reward continued play with a character at the rank cap. All XP gained at max rank contributes towards a character’s renown, increase their Renown to earn more Guerrilla Score and Armory crates.
    • Added the ability to set Resistance Mode character name with more than basic English characters
    • Updated Resistance Mode End of Mission display to better present end of match rewards
    • Resistance Mode bug fixes and stability improvements

De Homefront ‘Performance Patch’ is vanaf nu te downloaden op Playstation 4, Xbox One en pc. Onze revew van Homefront: The revolution kan je hier lezen.


Jimmy "Verjim" is een gedreven gamer, met Tekken als zijn all-time favoriet. Aangevoerd door alle beschikbare soorten koffie, speelt hij elke game op zijn pad en zorgt ervoor dat zijn lezers precies weten waar games in uitblinken of net mis lopen. Overdag is hij actief bezig met fotografie, maar wanneer de schaduw valt, zal de pen van deze oprichter en hoofdredacteur genadeloos inkt doen vloeien

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