Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios hebben een grote update uitgebracht voor Homefront: The Revolution. De update voegt nieuwe gratis content en belangrijke prestatieverbeteringen toe aan het spel.
- Save Stall Reduction
- Smoother framerate and improved performance throughout the game via
- Spawning Optimisations
- Checkpoint Save Optimisations
- Lighting and Particle Optimisations
- Bug fixes and stability improvements including
- Fix for intermittent issue in which a box could get stuck preventing Medical Supplies Strikpoint completing correctly
- Fix for enemies not spawning correctly on occasion preventing Old Town Apartment Strikepoint completing correctly
- Fix for padlocks not being able to be destroyed in certain situations preventing Car Park Chop Shop Strikepoint to be completed
- Fix for black screen sometimes occurring following Aftermath mission and cinematic cutscene’s
- Fixed an issue with some players losing equipment when continuing save game from a previous patch
- Fixed a further issue some players experience with the SAM launcher becoming blocked in End Game
- New Resistance Mode Features
- Added ‘Guerrilla Score’ system to indicate a player’s overall experience in the game. Players can earn Guerrilla score by ranking up characters, completing missions on increasing difficulties, earning new citations and increasing a characters ‘Renown’.
- Added ‘Renown’ system to reward continued play with a character at the rank cap. All XP gained at max rank contributes towards a character’s renown, increase their Renown to earn more Guerrilla Score and Armory crates.
- Added the ability to set Resistance Mode character name with more than basic English characters
- Updated Resistance Mode End of Mission display to better present end of match rewards
- Resistance Mode bug fixes and stability improvements
De Homefront ‘Performance Patch’ is vanaf nu te downloaden op Playstation 4, Xbox One en pc. Onze revew van Homefront: The revolution kan je hier lezen.