Er is een nieuwe update verschenen voor Destiny 2, die enkele problemen zal aanpakken. Een lijst van enkele van deze verbeteringen kan je hieronder checken. De uitgebreidere patch notes vind je hier.
• Gotta go fast! – Titans and Warlocks will notice speed boosts to their general glide movements. Melee super abilities like the Titan’s Fist of Havoc and Sentinel Shield as well as Hunter’s Arcstrider will also see increases to their movement speed. Each increment of the mobility stat will be increased, leading to significant boosts of speed in general.
• PVE weapon buffs – Most weapon types will have a damage increase for PVE activities, including hand cannons, pulse rifles, scout rifles, sidearms, submachine guns, linear fusion rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and grenade launchers. Regular fusion rifles and rocket launchers remain unchanged, while auto rifles get a slight nerf.
• Quitter penalties – Leaving a competitive PVP game early will now result in either a warning or a 30-minute suspension from competitive playlists.
• Faster supers– Super regeneration rates have decreased from six minutes and forty seconds to five minutes.
• Return to the old Iron Banner – Iron Banner control is returning to its original Destiny form, allowing teams of six, faster capture zones for multiple players, reduced respawn times, and more frequent ammo crate drops.